Breast Cancer and Breast Cysts

Breast Cancer and Breast Cysts
Nearly every woman has cysts in her breast. Most women also have calcium deposits in their mammary tissues. Pathologists recognize microscopic changes of inflammation in nearly all breast specimens. Inflammation causes more cysts and increases the risk of breast cancer. So, its elimination or reduction is important in this age of a pandemic of breast cancer. In my clinical experience, no single measure reduces inflammation in the breast more often and more effectively than topical castor oil rubs on the breasts, underarm, and adjacent regions. It is safe and inexpensive. Skin sensitivity to castor oil in my patients has been very rare. Below is the simple procedure I recommend for patients, which I designate as “Dr. Ali’s Breast Castor-Rub.”

Mammogram Screening Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer Death by 50%. Really from Majid Ali on Vimeo.

Dr. Ali’s Breast Castor-rub
1. Warm one tablespoon of castor oil gently by flaming it for ten to fifteen seconds. For the first application, use only one-half teaspoon of oil and apply it lightly to test your skin sensitivity.

2. Gently rub the oil over the breasts and the adjacent areas, including the underarms.

3. Select a loose bra (designate it as the “oil bra” for repetitive uses) to cover the oiled area for three, four, or more hours.

4. Take a shower or wipe off the oil with a wash cloth. Many patients sleep with it for added benefit.

5. Do the procedure two or three times weekly.

When desired, the Breast Castor-rub can be combined with castor-rubs for: (1) bowel detox (Dr. Ali’s Belly Castor-rub; (2) liver detox; (3) muscle and joint rubs; and (4) bone and joint rubs. The Belly Castor-rub is done by simply applying the oil to the front, sides, and back of the abdomen. I suggest the use of a shirt (“oil shirt”) for this specific purpose which can be laundered after several uses.

Dr. Ali’s Breast Health Protocol from Majid Ali on Vimeo.

I have observed remarkable results with the simple Breast Castor-rub procedure for the following conditions:

1. Breast soreness associated with cystic disease of the breast;
2. Mastitis (breast inflammation);
3. Chronic swelling (lymphedema) of the breast, armpit, or upper arm developing after breast cancer surgery;
4. Delayed or poor healing of breast surgery wounds. The oil should not be applied directly on the wound.

It is recommended that you inform your doctor of your intended use of Castor-rub. He will be happy to learn you take responsibility for your breast health. He might even use it for his other patients.

Please participate in CASTORCLUB FORUM by writing your brief comments in the space provided for this purpose.

This is the age of breast cancer. In my book Breast and Prostate Cancer—Eco-Monsters and Onco-Monsters (2006), I made a sad prediction that one of every five females born now will develop breast cancer. My prediction is based on an extensive study of the rising incidences of breast cancer in all regions of the world during the last five decades. One of seven women in some regions of New Jersey and New York now develop breast cancer. I emphasize this to urge women to consider the simple, safe, effective, and inexpensive measures I describe for preserving breast health.

I consider breast and menstrual health as the two most important issues for women today. My five top recommendations for these problems are: (1) Dr. Ali’s Ignore-Breast-Examine-Ribs (IBER) procedure done monthly (described below); (2) Feather Breathing; (3) Dr. Ali’s Breast Castor-rub (4) Dr. Ali’s Belly Castor-rub; and (5) hydrogen peroxide foot soaks

Majid Ali MD, *Competent Breast Exam, Not Just Pink Marches* from Majid Ali on Vimeo.

Eight of every ten women with breast cancer under my care detected their breast cancer—not by their doctors and not by mammograms. One of my patients detected her cancer just two months after a negative examination by her doctor and a negative mammogram. So, I consider complete monthly self-examination of breasts more important than mammograms.

Below is a brief description of Dr. Ali’s Ignore-Breast-Examine-Ribs (IBER) procedure I recommend for breast self-examination. For additional details, please see “Breath Self-Examination” at

Dr. Ali’s IBER (Ignore-Breast-Examine-Ribs) Self-examination

Below are the steps of the IBER self examination:

1. Perform the IBER procedure while you are soaped up in the bathroom.
2. Use four fingers of your hand (right or left) to do IBER exam.
3. Begin at the periphery (outer areas) of the breast and move your fingers in a circular way to the central region of the breast, covering every part of the breast.
4. Gently push the breast tissue away and firmly roll your fingers over the ribs beneath the breast tissues.
5. Breast cancer lumps are usually hard, painless, and feel like a small rock under a rug. In nearly all early cases, the cancerous masses in the breast are not tender.
6. Repeat the examination after you have examined both breasts. This is essential also for women who have lost one or both breasts to cancer to detect local recurrence.
7. When soft and sensitive lumps (cysts and fibrous tissue) are found, gently stretch them over the ribs and focus on how these sensitive areas blend with non-sensitive healthy breast tissues. This usually helps to distinguish benign from malignant masses.
8. Using the tips of your four fingers, perform the IBER procedure on the fatty tissue in the underarm (armpit) region, again by rolling fingertips on the underlying ribs.
9. Gently squeeze the tissues of the nipple to check for any expressed fluid.

Bring to the attention of your doctor any suspicious areas discovered with IBER procedure.

Readers who wish to see a demonstration of the IBER method can obtain my four-hour two- DVD set entitled “Breast Cancer” by calling 973-586-4111. I present the theory and practice of the Dysox Model of Cancer in the two volumes of The Crab, Oxygen, and Cancer (2007)

What does the breast tissue have in common with the tissues in the brain and coronary arteries? I ask readers to consider this question for a few moments before proceeding.

A clear understanding of the formation of calcium deposits in the breast, in my view, is the best way to understand the absence of health in the breast. It is also the best approach for designing a logical, rational, and scientifically sound strategy to preserve breast health, as well as to reverse chronic disorders of the breast. This is equally important for decreasing the risk of breast cancer.

In my work as a hospital pathologist, I saw microscopic deposits of calcium in nearly all breast specimens I examined. Nearly every woman had cysts in her breast tissue. These changes are almost always associated with microscopic inflammation. Inflammation causes more cysts and fosters calcium deposition. Pathologists find mammary calcium deposits so commonly in benign breast tissue, that they seldom, if ever, take it into serious consideration. In any case, they do not use the presence of such calcification as a consideration in diagnosing breast cancer.

Calcium deposits occur in the breast tissue when it develops acidity (acidosis) and incremental free radical activity (oxidosis), which together thicken breast fluids. All these changes interfere with oxygen signals, oxygen-driven cellular energetics, and oxygen-governed cellular detox systems. In simple words, that means dysfunctional oxygen metabolism (dysox for short).

Unlike pathologists, radiologists specifically look for patterns of calcification in mammograms since some patterns correlate highly with certain types of breast cancer. For instance, prominent ductal calcification (calcium deposits that map out the outline of breast ducts) strongly suggest the presence of ductal carcinoma. I might add here that some degree of microscopic calcification can be expected in all cases of breast explants.

For a full explanation of the subject, See the video course below. In these videos, I discuss how nutritional, environmental, and anger-related factors create cancer-causing metabilic conditions. I might point out that excess acidity and free radical activity also develops during periods of normal menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation. However, such changes are physiological and evoke normalizing responses. This explains the lower incidence of breast cancer in women who bear children during earlier years of their life.

Calcium itself is not toxic, nor carcinogenic. So, the mere presence of calcium in the breast should not be a cause of concern. Rather, it should be seen as a useful marker of preceding periods of excess acidity, oxyradical activity, and inflammation. In this sense, calcium deposits call for attention to breast hygiene.

I return to the question I raised at the beginning: What does the breast tissue have in common with the tissues in the brain and coronary arteries? The answer: All three tissue types breathe oxygen, produce clean energy with oxygen, and cleanse themselves with oxygen detergents. At this level, calcium deposits in the breast, brain, and coronary artery tissues have the same significance. They carry the same message: the tissues had too much acidity, excess free oxyradical activity, and thickened fluids when calcium was depositied. If healthful conditions can be restored, the calcium will be slowly removed. Until then, it is important to recognize that calcium in deposits is not toxic. There is no reason to lose sleep over them.



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Breast Cancer and Breast Health 
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